I’ve been feeling a little down the past couple of days so thought I should take a moment to think about the things that are bringing me joy and focus on that instead!

Catalina has been asking me to braid her hair every day. Her hair is getting so long! I love braiding it and putting little jewels in it with her Blinger. She’s also been doing her makeup with me every day. We both have been opting for glitter eyeshadow and she likes to have EXTRA sparkle.

Rosa’s toothy grin! I loved her gummy baby smile and didn’t want it to go away but these little teeth are even cuter! And how cute is her little blue and pink giraffe outfit?!
This cute rainbow kiddie pool is so fun and makes me so happy just looking at it and watching the kids have fun in it.
Convertible rides with Joel. Since we were dating we always loved going for drives together and getting Starbucks. It’s always been one of our favorite things to do. Now it’s even more fun in his new car. I’ve been getting the new kiwi starfruit refresher and it is DELICIOUS!