Years ago I saw Amber Fillerup post a picture of her kids with their baby dolls and I thought the dolls were so cute! I looked them up and couldn’t believe they were $45. It sounded insane to me. Like how can a baby doll be $45?! what’s so special about it? Welllll, after the
Catalina’s Birth Story
Catalina Evangeline Pagán born on October 28th 2017 6lbs 13 oz. I’m in love! This sweet little lady finally made her appearance 3 days after her due date and I have to say that while it was a very smooth delivery, things leading up to it were a bit more difficult and emotionally draining that
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At Home Teeth Whitening | The Convenience of Multitasking
Bedtime is one of the most relaxing yet busiest time of the day, at least it is for moms anyways. Everything we do for ourselves before bed we have to do for at least one other person, (I’m going to have two soon, yikes)! It’s often hard to keep up with beauty appointments to stay