Are you tired of shaving? I know I am! Of course we don’t have to shave. I really admire women who accept their natural body hair and don’t give in to the pressure to remove something we grow naturally. I’m just not there at this point in my life. I’d love to be that comfortable with my body but ya girl really wants to have smooth legs right now!
Right before going on our trip to Florida last year I wanted a way to be hair free without having to do shaving touch-ups throughout the week we were gone. I almost bought a wax kit but decided against the mess! You also have to restock up on wax beads. I wanted something more low maintenance so I started looking into epilating.
I started out with an inexpensive epilator, (the Braun Silk-epil 3 epilator), to see if I like it but now that I know how good it is and have been epilating for a year I plan on eventually investing in a high-quality epilator!
What is an epilator?
An epilator is an electrical device that mechanically removes hair by grasping multiple hairs and pulling them out. Basically there’s a bunch of little “tweezers” inside. It spins and plucks hair out.
Is Epilating Painful?
I know it sounds horrible but it’s not that bad! The very first time I used my epilator it did sting. It plucks hairs out so of course it doesn’t feel good but you definitely get used to it. It takes me a couple of seconds running it over my hairs to warm up haha but eventually you almost become numb to the stinging and I actually find it relaxing! I use it on my armpits and legs and it’s not bad at all.
I only used it on my bikini area once and that was brutal. Needless to say I don’t epilate the bikini area anymore. Waxing that area is also out of the question because I did once and just can’t handle that! The bikini area is the only place I still shave rather than epilate/wax. I do not recommend epilating that area! It’s just too sensitive.
Be prepared! The first time I used an epilator I got red bumps on the areas I used it and I got little pustules, (I’m so sorry for that disgusting word), on the bikini area. That doesn’t happen anymore and any redness goes away within a day!
Does Epilation Reduce Hair Growth?
I love epilating because the hair grows much slower and more sparse. I can go weeks between epilating since the hair that grows back is very sparse. With shaving had had to shave at least every week.
I also read that epilating and waxing can stop hair growth since pulling hair out can damage the follicle which results in the inability to grow hair.
Is Epilating Similar To Waxing?
Yes. It removes hair by the roots so it has the same effect as waxing without the mess! Which is why I love epilating. It takes longer for hair to grow back just like waxing but it’s less messy than shaving and waxing.
I hope you found this post helpful!