I have been getting asked more and more frequently how I grew followers on Instagram. I’m always super flattered because 99% of the time I’m the one looking for tips and asking others for help with social media! With that being said, with all of the work I’ve done in trying to grow my Instagram
Easter Fun at Valentine Fields | Spring Has Sprung
It has been a hot minute since I have hung out on a farm, (I’m what you’d call indoorsy). I’m from West Virginia so a lot of people assume that we all grew up on farms and never wore shoes. While the no-shoes stereotype is pretty much true in the summertime 😉 I definitely did
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Galentines Day Party | Valentines Celebration With Blogger Friends
This was literally my first time hanging out with other bloggers and it was so much fun to be around other people who value the aesthetic of everything (and want to take pictures and instastories of it all)! This beautiful Galentines Day party was organized by the lovely ladies Courtney from Collectively Courtney and Meghan from
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Funny Bean Boozled Challenge- They Taste Exactly Like What They Say!
Bean Boozled is no joke you guys, I swear I’m not just being obnoxious in this video (clearly we all know that I am always obnoxious ;)) but these nasty ones really did almost make me throw up. I have no idea how these were made but the nasty ones taste just like they
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New Years Resolutions | A Year in Photos
It’s been quite a year! My 2018 resolutions are pretty standard and general but I think it’s best to not be too rigid in your goals because life happens and sometimes things don’t work out the way you want them to or they simply just don’t work out at all! Then you get down
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New Years Resolution | Fitness Inspiration to Workout & Get In Shape
Like everyone else in the world one of my New Years resolutions is to always fitness related- workout and get in better shape. I am taking it a little more seriously this time though because I am almost 2 months postpartum and have been bummed that I’m still about 14 lbs up from my pre
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Catalina’s Birth Story
Catalina Evangeline Pagán born on October 28th 2017 6lbs 13 oz. I’m in love! This sweet little lady finally made her appearance 3 days after her due date and I have to say that while it was a very smooth delivery, things leading up to it were a bit more difficult and emotionally draining that
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Greet & Gather Unboxing | Entertainment Subscription Box
Greet & Gather was kind enough to send me this really fun box full of items to help you host the perfect event! Mine came just in time for Thanksgiving and ended up using everything in it! You can signup for a monthly subscription and have beautiful pieces to host your fun parties and get
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Cute Inexpensive Baby Girl Products
Hey everyone! I’m still super pregnant over here at 39 weeks and really hoping Catalina decides to come soon because this mamma is tired and hurting everywhere! Thought I’d share with you guys some of my favorite baby products that I’ve purchased! Click the images to shop! Unicorn Lamp– I found this gem on sale