• Transitions

    This past weekend was the coldest it has been for a long while.  Unfortunately, it still tends to get incredibly warm during the afternoon, here in North Carolina.  It can be very difficult to get dressed during this seasonal transition with it’s varying temperature changes.  I decided to wear a typical summer outfit consisting of

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  • GAP Sale

    I wore this outfit a couple of days ago. It was incredibly warm, (compared to the weather lately)! It was a perfect day to wear this sweet looking striped t-shirt that I found on sale at GAP. This is probably one of the most comfortable light at shirt that I own, and I guarantee that

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  • Pumpkin Bumpkin

    I hope that everyone one had a wonderful turkey filled Thanksgiving! So, this post was written about two months ago and is insanely out of season but bare with me, I still am not over everything pumpkin. it’s finally fall! (Insert white girl meme)… There it is. and honestly I’m so excited, I just can’t

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  • Quick Post

    Yes, I did fight with an 18 month old over a flag… I’m so corny… This weekend was what I kept calling my family’s  ‘Fall Day’. We went back to IKEA, which was less difficult this time since we weren’t there as long and already knew what we were getting. I got some more magical

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  • IKEA

    Well, the husband and I have never had a dining room table the whole three years we’ve been married. We have a dining room, but it was usually used for storage and the dogs favorite place to use the bathroom.  We finally decided to get a table and eat at it like a normal family.

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  • Dreaming of Fall

    My mom was visiting me last week, and she loves to have the air conditioning on full blast, (like I mean absolutely, miserably freezing ;)). So even though it was 80 degrees out, I felt the need to wear this long cardigan and layer it up. I swear my feet are not that disproportionate to

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